Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bloom Blog Report

Since April I've been trying to capture the blooms at Perrot State Park and it's becoming exceedingly hard to keep up. I guess that's a good thing there are so many. Here's a few more of my latest favorites.

Columbine-Aquilegia canadensis, these upside down tubes have nectar filled spurs. A favorite of hummingbirds and long-tongued moths. Plus children who bite off the spurs and suck out the nectar. Once considered for the national wild flower because the seed pod resembles an eagle talon. Aquilegia is Latin for "eagle".  This buttercup relative is found in drier shade, rocky places and there's lots of that in Perrot.

Yellow Wood Sorrel

Yellow Wood Sorrel-Oxalis stricta has tiny bright yellow flowers on clover like leaves. Used as a folk medicine because of high vitamin c. Although edible it has a sour taste (oxalis is Greek for sour) and may upset the stomach. Found in disturded soils and roadsides.

Cream Wild Indigo

Cream Wild Indigo- related to the Indigo Blue Baptisia, has the beautiful pea like blooms, found in dry prairies. Like the one in Perrot Park by the Nature Center.

Tomorrow beautiful blue flowers found in Perrot.


  1. I love the columbine - they are such sweet flowers. I remember Perrot as being a hot spot for those when we camped there.

  2. Columbine always remind me of fairies. I love the wild ones just as much as the other cultivars.

  3. The design of the columbine would make a great swag lamp.
