Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Midway Garden Update

Wild Petunia
All has been planted. There is still mulch to come and the by next year some bicycle art.

Here's what already in bloom.

Wild Petunia-Ruella humilis, a pink to purple flower, a lovely low growing plant which is endangered in the wild.

Ohio Spiderwort

Ohio Spiderwort-Tradescantia ohienisis, blue flowers that fade to purple, best seen in the morning as they close up on hot days.

Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Weed-Asclepias tuberosa, red to orange flowers, a host plant for butterflies.

Purple Prairie Clover

Purple Prairie Clover-Dalea purpurea, vivid purple flowers another great plant for butterflies.

This is just the beginning, by next year you'll see Rattlesnakemaster, White False Indigo, Prairie Onion, Smoke Flowers, Harebells, Downy Phlox and more. Can't wait. I planted these from plugs and they will be fully mature in another 2 years.


  1. It looks lovely - very nice choices! Keep us posted as it develops. Our internet here is very bad, so I may not be commenting for a while until we move on to where it's better.

  2. It will fill in before you know it. Glad that you are able to get your hands dirty. What's next?
