Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Memorial Park

Parks serve a purpose, sometimes they are a respite from the daily grind, a beautiful retreat to refresh and exercise the soul or in some cases a place of reflection and contemplation.

Our recent trip to NYC included a visit to the 9/11 memorial, here are a few of the photos taken to share with you. I hope you can visit as well some day.

One of two pools at the site
of each tower, names of deceased
including Pentagon and Airplane victims.

Survivor Tree-pear tree
saved in the aftermath

Relief mural at nearby fire station house.
Museum, under construction,
display of steel tridents from
outside of the building.

Tribute in Light, viewed
from the Empire State Building

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos, looks like you had a great visit. We'll be heading to NYC next Tuesday.
