Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Greentime vs Screentime

My rainy day retreat.
It's a cold rainy March day in Wisconsin, a good day for catching up on emails, reading a book and blogging.

I just finished "Your Brain on Nature" by Eva M. Selhub, M.D. It brings to light for me the true meaning of "Cabin Fever", referring to how ill we've become with nature deprivation.

One of the ideas behind the book is how our modern world takes us farther away from how our ancestors lived, who needed to connect with nature to survive. Now with modern conveniences we need nature even more for our mental and physical health.

In order to realign our brains from too much urban stress and technology, a walk in nature resets the ancient parts of our brains and improves cognition and mental health.

Our society has tried to compensate with recreational engineers and ecotherapies but really all you have to do is take a walk in the woods and be mindful of what you experience. The medicinal effects are rather inexpensive and immediate.

Here are a few of my personal antidotes-

Garden room, with skylights and blooming tropical plants.

Screen time needs to be about connecting with friends and sharing positive experiences. Thanks to facebook friends for continuing "7 days of Nature" photos. They are inspiring and lovely to look at.

New FITBIT thanks to my sister, reminding me to get out and walk. Maybe not today since it's raining. Good thing I have stairs in my house.

Got my 2016 WI State Park sticker and planning a season of camping opportunities. I heard some businesses are offering stickers to their employees. Word has it Organic Valley does this for it's staff. A big shout out to really taking green all the way.

So be sure to get out and get some "Vitamin G".


  1. Good health benefits both the employee and the employer. Let's take our fit bits on a walk together.

  2. There's nothing like being among the trees and nature. Your plant room (sun room?) has to be like a balm for the mind.
