Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Ready, Set, Burn

Today at Perrot State Park I had a chance to see part of a prescribed burn. I know it benefits the woods but my heart still raced as I saw the smoke appear and then the flames.

Prescribed burns are really well controlled and needed since we suppress wildfires. The area around Perrot Ridge was the target and should rebound with beautiful native blooms by next year and helps reduce invasive species.

I had this image of animals racing out of the woods to escape but the fire goes fast and they just have to hide out for a few moments or fly away as the case maybe.

The area was prepped for several days creating barriers and removing extra debris. Closed signs are put up and then the team with the Burn Boss begins the process.


Time for a different kind of water break.

Enjoy the video for the sound of the fire.

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