Thursday, January 3, 2019

First Hike Perrot State Park

Bay Loop
Many of Wisconsin State Parks began the New Year with a scheduled first day hike.

They also start the new year with a new governor. Whoot whoot. New Year New Hopes.


We decided to attend the first hike at Perrot State Park which coincidentally is our last hike here til spring. It was a sunny day to stretch our legs and take in unobstructed views.

We were about 3 hours late for the event, my bad. So we missed out on the hot chocolate but didn't miss a nice walk on the Bay Loop which hasn't been turned to ski only trail as yet.

After, we attended the last day of business for the Trempealeau Hotel til they reopen Feb. 14. Seems they take a break too and fly south.

We'll finish packing up and head out ourselves to the Southwest to visit Family, Friends and hopefully Big Bend National Park.

Cross your fingers that the government shutdown resolves itself and National Parks are once again open and protected.


  1. Safe journeys. I do have a new supply of camp fire starters. When do you leave?

  2. Sat. The weather looks good. Most places we can't have a fire. But when we do it will be Bon.
