Friday, February 20, 2015


As conditions change we tolerate through adaptations. The stress due to limitations, increases mortality. Natural fluctuations occur depending on factors.

Some populations may experience higher levels of mortality due to the effects of change. The biggest challenges include condition and reduced resources. Prolonged events force alterations or limit movement to conserve. As sources become unavailable or inaccessible they'll expend larger amounts to maintain.

If not replaced they'll use reserves and alternative sources. Those unable to build up adequate reserves may die. Typically, young, old and those unhealthy in the struggle to build up reserves. We'll observe they appear unhealthy, the struggle will make them weak and may act irregular in search for sources.

With limited access populations are forced to seek alternative sources or are stranded and suffer. As things change for the better they rise and begin to emerge. Visible results of past events are clear now and we learn that providing basics and giving access can make the different in survival.

This article I pretty much stole from a DNR article referring to wildlife's survival during extreme Wisconsin winters. I left out the reference to wildlife since I thought it to be equally relevant to  humanity. Since we cannot migrate (flee) or hibernate (hide), we need to tolerate (accept) and help those less able.


  1. Nicely done - good reminder for playing nice with one another.

  2. I hope the DNR can tolerate this "adaptation" since it is so fitting.
