Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Spring in my Step

Yellow Bellwort
I begin traversing the trails at Perrot in early May. Not wanting to miss a thing. Some of my first flowers to see -- the Yellow Bellwort sometimes called the wood daffodil. The drooping yellow bell shaped flowers. Also known as, here it goes Uvularia grandiflora another in the lily family. I'd like to see her family reunion.

Speaking of blood lines, checkout the really cool looking Bloodroot. One of the earliest spring arrivals emerging from the snow. It opens and closes with the sun and lacks nectar. That's okay I suppose because most birds and insect aren't even awake yet. The latin name Sanguinaria refers to the bleeding red juice in the stems and roots. Once used for dye and insect repellent by cultures. Go buy one from your local nursery if you want to see for yourself.

Pasque Flower on Perrot Ridge
There's another good reason to get out early in the spring and walk the paths just to see the Pasqueflowers. It was my first sighting. Often found during the Easter (Paschal) season, better than finding eggs. This crocus like bloom is found on sunny slope prairies. I spotted mine at the top of Perrot Ridge. The plants are designed with soft hairs that help trap the warmth in cool springs. .

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