Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stalking the Woods

All paths lead to something special. From Brady's Bluff to Perrot Ridge, its not the view from atop that's only special. As I keep my head down there are waves of white flowers. The Trillium dot the woods. Watch and visit them again as the flowers fade to pink. A lovely flower in the family of lily (Liliaceceae).

If you go now you'll be Just in time. The single red berry's seeds are carried off by ants that take them to their underground abode and don't even eat them. What are they thinking, a little red to liven up the den over the winter months.


  1. I am so glad that we can experience Perrot Park through your eyes. You are also able to share your entries via FB/Twitter friends after you publish, you just click on view and then up on top you have options of sharing. I noticed some of your wording is disappearing due to photos. You can preview before you print to see if this is happening. Maybe we can discuss this tomorrow. I am excited to see and hear more. :)

  2. I'm so happy you are doing this - great promotion for Perrot Park and it's nice to see the early spring wildflowers.

  3. Keep the comments coming. I'm previewing but can't change the text positioning.
